Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Century of self

Please send this video to your contact list and tweet often, so that we send it viral. Let us remember "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President - 1797 - 1801
Now is the first day of a new beginning.
Each one - Reach One- Each One - Teach One

Getting our Priorities wrong

 If killing were a competition then our roads are doing way better than al shabaab. Am just sayn we got our priorities al wrong.. there more life threating conditions than al shabaab. The goverment drwn all our resources and put them in a war that does not concern and this has been my stand since before our invasion to somalia began. since there has been increaesd attacts by the said terrorists groups owing to our offensive. my argument that the targetting were tourists visiting and not kenyan the goverment should have concentrated on defence and not offence especially at time our economy is experiecing a sharp decline. But still not too late to call it a day we can call our sons and daughters back home and put these resources in better use such paying our teachers, nurses and doctors. we can invest these resources in fooed security programmes to avoid a recurrence of last year devastation and loss dignity where a great number of kenyan mostly in arid areas died of hunger. we can also invest in road inspection unit that is committed to ensuring safe driving of public service to put an end the road carnage that continue to claim high number of kenyans each day.

Intellect vs Emotions

I have been studying the nature of human being and have come to agree with Edward Barneys commonly reffered as the fathe of public relations also the nephew of Sigmud frued the reknown psycho analylist, That if you want to catch peoples attention dont sell to their intellect sell to their emotions. And this man ruled the united states in the 1920s in politics and in business. Pretty very much what our leaders do with us, they have mastered the art and they swing the kenyan public right left and center stroking their emotional attachemnt to their tribes, fooling their peasant admirers that by attacking you neighbor then you will be better tomorrow. This didnt start yesterday or the day before this typical kenyan politics where you come from and the tongue you speak determines your votes and who can join in to form coalition and political marriages of convinience. The kenyan media has also coined the word political backyard to reffer to followers of the tribal chiefs. The hope of this country in the hands of an upcoming young generation no the one in the university but below the age of ten and those being born. Beyond age 10 if you ask i think they have already been poisoned and the kind of education they continue to receive both at home and in kenyas school system will only lead in deep waters than we are in now. 


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